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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

Well by Friday the wheels had fallen off my detox, and it crashed into a brick wall and then caught on fire!!

Why? Well partly because I didn't have the key ingredients available for the juices or the one solid meal it includes, and I didn't eat anything until, oh, 3pm.

So it boils down to organisation, I was disorganised. I'm ok with that, I didn't really look at how much of these veges I need for a week of detox and now I do. It takes; 49 carrots, 3-4 broccoli heads, 7 beetroots, a celery bunch, bunch of radishes, about a kilo of baby spinach leaves, 14 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1kg brown rice (not sure on that amount, have a 2 kg bag), 3 bok choy, 7 tablespoons of organic miso paste. It also adds a considerable load to the grocery budget, but I guess thats ok, cos It has means a stricter adherence to no buying 'extras' that really have no place in a wholefoods diet.

I also managed to buy a spiralizer from a local shop, its not big and fancy, but it apparently does the job, and cost $40, instead of hundreds, so me likes :). Whats a spiralizer? Well its a funky little gadget that means you can turn veges like carrots or zucchinis into long, either thick or thin, twisty strands. Makes eating more raw foods more interesting and palatable, and is something recommended by all the raw foodie sites around.

So Monday I reset my little world, got to bed at a decent hour, meditated before bed, woke up at 5.30am today, did some yoga, meditated and feel that I can do this all over again, and I will. Because I am too important to give up on me, and giving up on me, means giving up on others around me, and I'm not prepared to do either!

Did some more reading of 'the Handbook' last night, it truly is a book I just should have devoured, yet I put it off, even though when I read it, I just feel so calm. Ho hum, just need to allow 15 mins a day Kimmy, it all adds up.

I was really overwhelmed on the weekend, felt like I was trying to do so much, in such a quick period, was this going to be another 'crash and burn'? Of course not, not unless I decide it was going to be, you can't unlearn things, once it's there it's there.

Further update (Saturday 8/5/2010) distinct possibility that I am pregnant (according to the home preg test I just took), so all detox plans out the window, however I'm still incorporating the raw/wholefoods approach to my eating, though I'm not being too hardcore, some days I eat more cooked food than others, and I'm still eating a little meat here and there, bread is being limited cos while is tastes divine ( I make all our bread), it just does not agree with me, at the moment I'm into having homemade sushi rolls for lunch, yummmm.

So while detox is out, retoxing is something I'm not wanting to do (though last night I ate 3 pieces of pizza, and some softdrink, not the best choice).

Yoga this morning was lovely, I did Hatha instead of Ashtanga, much less sweaty and hardcore, and yet it certainly had it's own challenges to put me through.

Looking at my hands and my nailbed psoriasis on the two fingers is clearing up, as is my knee. All of my psoriasis flares up with major itchies when I eat refined sugars, I've suspected it for a while, but as i was eating so much of it, I didn't really have a comparison! Now I've gotten through my 'detox days' and I really notice it if I eat refined sugar, so I'm kinda addicted to the lovely raw vegan choc cake balls I posted earlier. Even if I eat a few of them I know its been good for my body, even if the fat load of the nuts is a little high, its still not 120g butter!! I've successfully substituted the walnuts with completely ground cacao beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and almonds.

This blog really helps me refocus my life, and my path. Thanks to those reading, its kinda scar, but kinda great all at once!!