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Sunday, April 25, 2010

food matters

Yesterday was one of those days when all seems right with the world. Serae, Mevan and I decided an outing was in order due to brilliant (albiet, chilly) autumn weather, also we had run out of fruit, a mortal sin when you have a fruit monster for a child. Mevan rode the bike with Serae in the kiddy seat, while I ran along with them. It felt magical to get out and really 'be' in the world as a family. Car trips are fine, sometimes even necessary, but you don't feel the crisp air fill your lungs, as you power your way up the hill, or get the thrill of making it to the top just as you think your lungs might explode. Such a cheap thrill isn't it, but this outing which also involved babychino, chai latte and mochachino, set me up for a day of peace and gentle awe of thew world and my little families place in it. I also had a ball listebibg to the conversation starters of our 2 and a half uyear old. Comments like "mummy, you got big muscles" whule I'm running do wonders for the ego, though I have the sneaking suspicion she meant bum, wheb she said muscle. This of course is an area of my life I'm happy to leave uninspected. if Serae says - have big muscles, then so be it! I also think its a wonderful example to set being active together. 3ec

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