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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

To colonic or not to colonic, that is the question...

Weeeeell It has been a busy week in the journey to a more peaceful, healthier self. After watching a documentary called "Food Matters" recommended by Tracey, Yoga instructor extraordinaire ('Absolute Yoga' in Ballarat). It is hard to encapsulate the entirety of it, however that is of course what I will try to do.

It's a documentary made by 2 Australian nutritionists, for the father of one of them. He was very ill and they had been giving him books to read on the subject of food, vitamin deficiencies and chronic health issues, of course like many of us, he wasn't reading them. So they interviewed the authors (I believe) and produced this amazing, if controversial documentary of 80 mins, here is the link if you are interested;


Well worth a view in my opinion, the DVD is $24, or you can pay for 3 days viewing online for $5.

Anyhoo, I've been spending hours and hours trawling the net for more information, and believe that a detox is necessary to help with the process of sorting my head out, basically the modern, western diet overloads our bodies existing detoxification system with far too much 'junk' for it to effectively remove. Combine our toxically loaded bodies with foods that are depleted in necessary vitamins and minerals (from cooking and growing in depleted soils, or simply because of the over processed nature of much of the food available), and we get many people who's bodies are malnourished, leading to disease, and more interestingly for me, possibly leading to depression/anxiety.

So I am detoxing and this is the plan taken from Food Matters Website, I hope they will not mind me putting it on here, there is actually an entire 50 odd page E-book that it comes from, so I'm not disclosing the entire content as i feel that people doing such work and presenting it in such an accessible way need our financial support to continue their work. So here is the detox I'm planning to follow for atleast 3 days, but I'm hoping for 7;

On Rising
Take a large glass and add the juice out of 1 fresh lemon and crush a thumbnail size of fresh
ginger. Fill the rest of the glass with room temperature or warm water.

Between starting work and breakfast

Mix Wheat Grass or Barley Grass powder & spring water to make a green drink to alkalize
and energize the cells of your body and accelerate the cleansing process. It will taste a little
weird to start with but as your bloodstream PH levels drop your taste buds will adjust to the


‘Break your Fast’ with a fresh vegetable juice of 4 medium size carrots, 1 beetroot, 1 cucumber,
1 handfull of baby spinach, ¼ cup parsley. Take 1000 mg of vitamin C & 2 x 1000mg
Flax Seed Oil capsules.

Between Break-Fast and Lunch

Have a caffeine-free detox tea of peppermint, ginseng, licorice root, ginger or chamomile or a
special natural laxative tea. More green drink as you need it!


Have a small to medium serving of brown rice with a mixture of raw & steamed vegetables
(choose from broccoli, shiitake mushrooms, bok choy, radishes, rocket, spring onions, watercress,
garlic and ginger) season with sea-greens and flavor with 1 cup of miso soup or lemon
juice and extra virgin olive. Take 1 x 1000mg of vitamin C.


Have another vegetable juice of carrot, apple and ginger to boost your energy levels

Early Dinner

Have a freshly squeezed vegetable juice of 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, handful of spinach leaves,
2 celery ribs, ½ cucumber, ½ green bell pepper. Add one table spoon of wheatgrass or barley
grass powder. Take a 1 x 1000 mg of vitamin C.

Before Bed
Relax your body with a detox tea of peppermint, ginseng, licorice root, ginger or chamomile
tea or fresh mint and green tea with cardamom pods.
There you have it! Follow this program as closely as possible for a minimum of 3 days to
really see the results. You can experiment with the vegetable juices throughout the day but
just make sure you are not adding too many sweet fruits (ideally none at all) as these add to
the sugar (acidic) load in the body which is what we are trying to avoid during this cleanse.
If you get unbearably hungry then munch on a handful of almonds. You may also alternate
the veggie juice for lunch with a veggie soup if desired (if you live in a cold climate then this
will feel better). You will throughout the detox notice that after the second day your body will
be getting used to the routine and will not get such cravings. Most of all stick with it and the
results will follow.

So that's it for the detox input, but on to the errrhem...how to put it in a dignified way, shall we say output? Well I rang around around town for the colonic hydrotherapy option, which I may one day follow, however it is rather costly ($200 for the recommended 3 sessions), and also it does make me a little nervous.

While out at the health food shops today trawling for ingredients and appliances I happened upon the holy grail of vitamin and supplement shopping, 'Go Vita' in Ballarat, this woman has EVERYTHING, so I asked her about an oral input option that would produce a similarly effective output as a colonic. She pointed me to a product called 'Colon-cleanse', she informed me it should do the trick, was much cheaper as well, at around $30.

My searching on the net also lead me to further investigate the website of Andrew Saul, one of the people interviewed for the documentary, his website link is here


The particular area I was looking at is the use of vitamin B3 (Niacin) to treat Depression, and Schizophrenia (I personally have depression, however my interest for the Schizophrenia is for a very close family member). Vitamin B3 is not available at the pharmacies I tried, so I had almost given up, in fact many B complexes don't contain it.

I am currently taking approx 180mg daily (3 times a day I've reduced my anti depressants down to 150 mg daily, I'll be keeping an eye on things, and have my lovely man also watch over me.

Let you know how all this goes. I lasted 2 days on the 'full detox' regime posted, lack of organisation and green vege hobbled me, though so far the benefits have been great, processed sugar cravings seem to have gone missing? Not sure for how long, but I like it! My skin is doing wierd things, like dark circles under eyes are fading, and blackheads are clearing, but two HUGE pimples have emerged, blaming the detox for those babies!

So I'm enjoying how much healthier I feel on a more natural diet, and am trying to stick to a mostly raw foods diet. Funny what killed the strict detox wasn't chocolate or anything like that, but yummy homemade vege soup! I have never enjoyed a bowl of soup so much!

So if 'cheating from my detox and overall healthy eating means I 'indulged on home made vege soup, then I'm pretty ok with that!!

This recipe has also been AMAZING, its a Raw Vegan Chocolate Cake, and it is just so yummy, and healthy, I roll and press into balls, bite sized morsels of yumminess, and is you use raw Cacao beans ground, then you are really ingesting a superfood chocolate snack!


follow that link to a healthy, butter free chocolate blissout

nom nom nom

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